Millis() Function Example
This is an example of a non-blocking millis() function replacing delay()
First Edition 2023-04-02
Simulation: https://wokwi.com/projects/360903822433974273
Discussion: https://forum.arduino.cc/t/millis-instead-of-delay-and-loop-instead-of-for-loop/1110044/7
Changed 2023-07-26
constexpr byte LEDPin = 13;
void setup() {
pinMode(LEDPin, OUTPUT);
unsigned long lastChange = 0; // Variable to store the time in ms when ledState was changed
unsigned long delayTime = 300; // Delay in [ms] when then next change shall take place
boolean firstTime = true; // Boolean that ensures that the if-clause will be performed immediately
// in the first call
void loop() {
if (millis()-lastChange >= delayTime || firstTime){
// As "firstTime" has been set to true when the sketch started
// it will definitely perform what's inside the curly brackets
// immediately in the first loop()
// The greater in ">="" is required as we cannot always be sure
// that this comparison is performed exactly "delayTime" later ...
lastChange = millis(); // Stores this time so that it takes in mininimum delayTime for
// the next entry to this bracket procedures
boolean ledState = digitalRead(LEDPin); // Read the actual status of the ledPin, so we do not have
// to memorize and handle it in a variable
digitalWrite(LEDPin, !ledState); // Change the status by inverting ledState with the ! operator
// !ledState provides the opposite of ledState
firstTime = false; // "firstTime" is set to false to make sure
// that in future the entry into the if-clause only depends
// on the comparison of the time difference between "millis()"
// and "lastChange" with "delayTime"