import machine
import time

# Informative statement
print("The system will start running once motion is detected by the PIR sensor. Please simulate motion if necessary.")

# Initialize Pins
led_indicator = machine.Pin(1, machine.Pin.OUT)  # LED indicator for toll operator input
pir_sensor = machine.Pin(27, machine.Pin.IN)  # PIR sensor for motion detection
bike_button = machine.Pin(13, machine.Pin.IN, pull=machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN)  # Button for bike detection
car_button = machine.Pin(14, machine.Pin.IN, pull=machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN)  # Button for car detection
truck_button = machine.Pin(15, machine.Pin.IN, pull=machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN)  # Button for truck detection

# Price list for vehicles (index: 0 = bike, 1 = car, 2 = truck)
toll_prices = (9.50, 18.75, 37.00)

# Initialize vehicle counters
vehicle_counts = {'Bike': 0, 'Car': 0, 'Truck': 0}

def calculate_fees():
    """Calculate total fees based on vehicle counts."""
    return {
        'Bike': vehicle_counts['Bike'] * toll_prices[0],
        'Car': vehicle_counts['Car'] * toll_prices[1],
        'Truck': vehicle_counts['Truck'] * toll_prices[2]

def display_totals(fees, total_fee):
    """Print the total fees and counts in a user-friendly format."""
    print(f"\nFees:\n- Bike: R{fees['Bike']:.2f}\n- Car: R{fees['Car']:.2f}\n- Truck: R{fees['Truck']:.2f}")
    print(f"Total Fee: R{total_fee:.2f}")

def reset_vehicle_counts():
    """Reset vehicle counts to zero."""
    return {'Bike': 0, 'Car': 0, 'Truck': 0}

def save_report(fees, total_fee):
    """Write the report to a text file."""
    with open("report.txt", 'w') as file:
        file.write(f"Total number of vehicles: {sum(vehicle_counts.values())}\n")
        file.write(f"Bikes: {vehicle_counts['Bike']}\n")
        file.write(f"Cars: {vehicle_counts['Car']}\n")
        file.write(f"Trucks: {vehicle_counts['Truck']}\n")
        file.write(f"Fees collected for bikes: R{fees['Bike']:.2f}\n")
        file.write(f"Fees collected for cars: R{fees['Car']:.2f}\n")
        file.write(f"Fees collected for trucks: R{fees['Truck']:.2f}\n")
        file.write(f"Total amount collected for the day: R{total_fee:.2f}\n")

def register_vehicle():
    """Register a vehicle based on the button input."""
    while True:
        if bike_button.value() == 1:
            vehicle_counts['Bike'] += 1
            vehicle_type = 'Bike'
            fee = fees['Bike']
        elif car_button.value() == 1:
            vehicle_counts['Car'] += 1
            vehicle_type = 'Car'
            fee = fees['Car']
        elif truck_button.value() == 1:
            vehicle_counts['Truck'] += 1
            vehicle_type = 'Truck'
            fee = fees['Truck']

        print(f"\n{vehicle_type} detected!")
        print(f"Number of {vehicle_type.lower()}s passed: {vehicle_counts[vehicle_type]}")
        print(f"Total amount for {vehicle_type.lower()}s: R{fee:.2f}")

        # Indicate registration with LED

# Main loop
motion_detected = True
while motion_detected:
    if pir_sensor.value() == 1:
        while True:
            # Calculate fees
            fees = calculate_fees()
            total_fee = sum(fees.values())

            # Menu options
            choice = input("\nMenu:\n1. Register Vehicle\n2. Show Totals\n3. End Day\n4. Write Report\n5. Exit Program\n")

            if choice == "1":
                print("Press the corresponding button for the vehicle type:")
                print("- 'B' for Bike")
                print("- 'C' for Car")
                print("- 'T' for Truck")

            elif choice == "2":
                display_totals(fees, total_fee)

            elif choice == "3":
                print(f"\nTotal Vehicles:\n- Bikes: {vehicle_counts['Bike']}")
                print(f"- Cars: {vehicle_counts['Car']}")
                print(f"- Trucks: {vehicle_counts['Truck']}")
                print(f"Total Fee Collected: R{total_fee:.2f}")
                vehicle_counts = reset_vehicle_counts()

            elif choice == "4":
                save_report(fees, total_fee)
                print("Report has been written to 'report.txt'.")

            elif choice == '5':
                motion_detected = False