from machine import ADC, PWM, Pin
import utime

# Set PWM on Pin 0 for controlling the servo motor
s = PWM(Pin(0))
s.freq(50)  # Set frequency to 50 Hz for the servo
abc = ADC(2)  # Read analog input from Pin 2

while True:
  # Read the potentiometer value and map it to the range 0-180
  pot = int(abc.read_u16() * 180 / 65535)
  print(pot)  # Print the mapped value
  # Calculate the duty cycle for the servo based on the potentiometer
  ton = (pot + 45) * 100000 / 9
  s.duty_ns(int(ton))  # Set the duty cycle
  utime.sleep_ms(200)  # Wait for 200 milliseconds