// ServoOverdone.ino
// Example for multiple Servo objects in a array.
// Version 1, 28 July 2021, by Koepel.
// Version 2, 15 August 2021, by Koepel.
// changed timing, a little slower
// diagram.json has servos in reverse order (I think it is visually better)
// Added fourth sequence: "compass"
// Public Domain
#include <Servo.h>
#define NUM_SERVOS 32
Servo myServo[NUM_SERVOS];
void setup()
// Attach pins from the Arduino Mega board to the Servo objects.
// Starting from pin 22, there happen to be exactly 32 pins on the double row pins.
for( int i=0; i<NUM_SERVOS; i++)
myServo[i].attach( i + 22); // pin 22 up to 53 is 32 pins
void loop()
// Sequence one.
// All servo motor are set to a random angle.
for( int a=0; a<15; a++)
for( int i=0; i<NUM_SERVOS; i++)
myServo[i].write( random( 0, 181));
delay( 2);
delay( 150);
// Sequence two.
// All servo motors move with the same angle.
for( int i=0; i<NUM_SERVOS; i++)
myServo[i].write( 0); // set to begin position (horn is rotated left)
delay( 1000); // wait to let the viewer get used to it
for( int a=0; a<3; a++)
for( int r=0; r<=180; r++) // move horns to the right
for( int i=0; i<NUM_SERVOS; i++)
myServo[i].write( r);
delay( 6);
for( int r=180; r>=0; r--)
for( int i=0; i<NUM_SERVOS; i++) // move horns to the left
myServo[i].write( r);
delay( 6);
// Sequence three.
// A rotating wave.
for( int a=0; a<6; a++)
for( int i=0; i<NUM_SERVOS; i++)
for( int j=0; j<NUM_SERVOS; j++)
// Calculate distance to active servo
int d = j - i;
if( d < 0)
d = -d;
if( d > (NUM_SERVOS / 2))
d = NUM_SERVOS - d;
int angle = 90 - (10 * d);
if( angle < 0)
angle = 0;
myServo[j].write( angle);
// Sequence four.
// A "compass"
// Start by pointing upwards
int pointer = NUM_SERVOS * 3 / 4;
showPointer( pointer);
delay( 1000); // let the viewer get used to new pattern
for( int i=0; i<5; i++)
showPointer( --pointer);
delay( 150);
delay( 200);
for( int i=0; i<9; i++)
showPointer( ++pointer);
delay( 150);
delay( 200);
for( int i=0; i<5; i++)
showPointer( --pointer);
delay( 150);
delay( 200);
for( int i=0; i<4; i++)
showPointer( ++pointer);
delay( 150);
delay( 160);
for( int i=0; i<2; i++)
showPointer( --pointer);
delay( 150);
delay( 80);
for( int i=0; i<1; i++)
showPointer( ++pointer);
delay( 150);
delay( 2000);
// This function makes a "pointer" with the servos.
// It is used to create the "compass".
// The parameter 's' is the servo motor that has the pointer.
// It is allowed that 's' is below zero or larger than the numbers of servo motors.
void showPointer( int s)
int pointerA = s % NUM_SERVOS; // Using the '%' (remainder) for valid number
int pointerB = (s + 1) % NUM_SERVOS; // pointer is made with the next servo motor
int tailA = (s + 16) % NUM_SERVOS;
int tailB = (s + 17) % NUM_SERVOS;
// make pointer with servo motor s and s+1.
// make tail with servo motor s+16 and s+17.
// Set servos right of pointer
int n = (NUM_SERVOS / 2) - 2;
int start = pointerB + 1;
for( int i=0; i<n; i++)
int j = (start + i) % NUM_SERVOS;
myServo[j].write( 2);
// Set servos left of pointer
start = tailB + 1;
for( int i=0; i<n; i++)
int j = (start + i) % NUM_SERVOS;
myServo[j].write( 178);
// The function GenerateDiagram() can be used to generate
// the diagram.json file for Wokwi.
// To use it, call it from the setup() function, and the
// serial output can be copied into the diagram.json file.
void GenerateDiagram()
Serial.print( "{\n");
Serial.print( " \"version\": 1,\n");
Serial.print( " \"author\": \"Generated\",\n");
Serial.print( " \"editor\": \"wokwi\",\n");
Serial.print( " \"parts\": [\n");
Serial.print( " {\n");
Serial.print( " \"type\": \"wokwi-arduino-mega\",\n");
Serial.print( " \"id\": \"mega\",\n");
Serial.print( " \"top\": 270,\n");
Serial.print( " \"left\": 185,\n");
Serial.print( " \"attrs\": {}\n");
Serial.print( " },\n");
// Put the servo motor in reverse order in the diagram.json
// I think that is visually better.
// The horn now overlaps the next servo when the horn moves to the right.
for( int i=NUM_SERVOS-1; i>=0; i--)
float rotate = float( i) * (360.0 / float( NUM_SERVOS));
float rad = rotate / 360.0 * 2.0 * M_PI;
float top = (300.0 * sin( rad)) + 300.0;
float left = (300.0 * cos( rad)) + 300.0;
Serial.print( " {\n");
Serial.print( " \"type\": \"wokwi-servo\",\n");
Serial.print( " \"id\": \"servo");
Serial.print( i);
Serial.print( "\",\n");
Serial.print( " \"top\": ");
Serial.print( top);
Serial.print( ",\n");
Serial.print( " \"left\": ");
Serial.print( left);
Serial.print( ",\n");
Serial.print( " \"rotate\": ");
Serial.print( rotate);
Serial.print( ",\n");
Serial.print( " \"attrs\": { \"hornColor\": \"Red\" }\n");
Serial.print( " }");
if( i != 0)
Serial.print( ",");
Serial.print( "\n");
Serial.print( " ],\n");
Serial.print( " \"connections\": [\n");
for( int i=0; i<NUM_SERVOS; i++)
int j = i + 1;
if( j == NUM_SERVOS)
j = 0;
Serial.print( " [ \"servo");
Serial.print( i);
Serial.print( ":V+\", \"servo");
Serial.print( j);
Serial.print( ":V+\", \"Red\", [] ],\n");
Serial.print( " [ \"servo");
Serial.print( i);
Serial.print( ":GND\", \"servo");
Serial.print( j);
Serial.print( ":GND\", \"Black\", [] ],\n");
Serial.print( " [ \"mega:");
Serial.print( i + 22);
Serial.print( "\", \"servo");
Serial.print( i);
Serial.print( ":PWM\", \"Green\", [ ] ],\n");
Serial.print( " [ \"mega:GND.2\", \"servo9:GND\", \"Black\", [ ] ],\n");
Serial.print( " [ \"mega:5V\", \"servo9:V+\", \"Red\", [ ] ]\n");
Serial.print( " ]\n");
Serial.print( "}\n");