This simulation mimics an electron jumping between energy
 levels and emitting light in the visible spectrum, with
  the emitted colors corresponding to specific wavelengths. 
  The serial output provides a visual explanation of what
   each LED
arind patil 12/9/24 copywrite under MIT liscence
discussion  https://chatgpt.com/share/76dbcc0a-59bd-4bb5-a24c-f82a99152ae7


// Pin definitions for each LED color
int redLED = 2;      // Red LED pin
int greenLED = 3;    // Green LED pin
int yellowLED = 4;   // Yellow LED pin
int blueLED = 5;     // Blue LED pin
int violetLED = 6;   // Violet LED pin
int whiteLED = 7;    // White LED pin

// Time delay for showing each color (in milliseconds)
int delayTime = 2000; // 1 second delay for each transition

void setup() {
  // Initialize the serial communication

  // Set LED pins as OUTPUT
  pinMode(redLED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(greenLED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(yellowLED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(blueLED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(violetLED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(whiteLED, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  // Display red LED
  digitalWrite(redLED, HIGH);
  Serial.println("Color: Red, Wavelength: 620-750 nm");
  digitalWrite(redLED, LOW);

  // Display green LED
  digitalWrite(greenLED, HIGH);
  Serial.println("Color: Green, Wavelength: 495-570 nm");
  digitalWrite(greenLED, LOW);

  // Display yellow LED
  digitalWrite(yellowLED, HIGH);
  Serial.println("Color: Yellow, Wavelength: 570-590 nm");
  digitalWrite(yellowLED, LOW);

  // Display blue LED
  digitalWrite(blueLED, HIGH);
  Serial.println("Color: Blue, Wavelength: 450-495 nm");
  digitalWrite(blueLED, LOW);

  // Display violet LED
  digitalWrite(violetLED, HIGH);
  Serial.println("Color: Violet, Wavelength: 380-450 nm");
  digitalWrite(violetLED, LOW);

  // Display white LED
  digitalWrite(whiteLED, HIGH);
  Serial.println("Color: White, Wavelength: Combination of all visible wavelengths");
  digitalWrite(whiteLED, LOW);

  // Add a brief pause between cycles