const int ledPin1 = 25; // Pin number where the first LED is connected
const int buttonPin1 = 12; // Pin number where the first button is connected
const int ledPin2 = 26; // Pin number where the second LED is connected
const int buttonPin2 = 13; // Pin number where the second button is connected
const int ledPin3 = 27; // Pin number where the third LED is connected
const int buttonPin3 = 14; // Pin number where the third button is connected
bool ledState1 = false; // Stores the state of the first LED (false = OFF, true = ON)
bool ledState2 = false; // Stores the state of the second LED (false = OFF, true = ON)
bool ledState3 = false; // Stores the state of the third LED (false = OFF, true = ON)
bool button2Pressed = false; // Flag to track the state of the second button
bool button3Pressed = false; // Flag to track the state of the third button
unsigned long button3PressTime = 0; // Variable to store the time when button 3 is pressed
const unsigned long longPressDuration = 1000; // Define the duration for a long press (in milliseconds)
void setup() {
pinMode(ledPin1, OUTPUT); // Set the first LED pin as an OUTPUT
pinMode(buttonPin1, INPUT_PULLUP); // Set the first button pin as an INPUT with internal pull-up resistor
pinMode(ledPin2, OUTPUT); // Set the second LED pin as an OUTPUT
pinMode(buttonPin2, INPUT_PULLUP); // Set the second button pin as an INPUT with internal pull-up resistor
pinMode(ledPin3, OUTPUT); // Set the third LED pin as an OUTPUT
pinMode(buttonPin3, INPUT_PULLUP); // Set the third button pin as an INPUT with internal pull-up resistor
digitalWrite(ledPin1, LOW); // Turn the first LED OFF initially
digitalWrite(ledPin2, LOW); // Turn the second LED OFF initially
digitalWrite(ledPin3, LOW); // Turn the third LED OFF initially
void loop() {
// Check if the first button is pressed (LOW state when pressed due to the internal pull-up resistor)
if (digitalRead(buttonPin1) == LOW) {
digitalWrite(ledPin1, HIGH); // Turn the first LED ON when the first button is pressed
} else {
digitalWrite(ledPin1, LOW); // Turn the first LED OFF when the first button is released
// Check if the second button is pressed (LOW state when pressed due to the internal pull-up resistor)
if (digitalRead(buttonPin2) == LOW) {
if (!button2Pressed) {
button2Pressed = true;
ledState2 = !ledState2; // Toggle the state of the second LED when the second button is pressed
digitalWrite(ledPin2, ledState2 ? HIGH : LOW);
} else {
button2Pressed = false; // Reset the button pressed flag
// Check if the third button is pressed (LOW state when pressed due to the internal pull-up resistor)
if (digitalRead(buttonPin3) == LOW) {
if (!button3Pressed) {
button3Pressed = true;
button3PressTime = millis(); // Record the time when the button was pressed
} else {
if (button3Pressed) {
// Calculate the duration of the button press
unsigned long button3Duration = millis() - button3PressTime;
if (button3Duration >= longPressDuration) {
// If the button was pressed for a long duration, toggle the state of the third LED
ledState3 = !ledState3;
digitalWrite(ledPin3, ledState3 ? HIGH : LOW);
button3Pressed = false; // Reset the button pressed flag