// Testing library SimpleEncoder.
// https://github.com/EasyG0ing1/SimpleEncoder
// Example from the library.
// https://github.com/EasyG0ing1/SimpleEncoder/blob/master/examples/UseCaseOne/UseCaseOne.ino
// Conclusion:
// Adding a delay of only 5ms in the loop() is enough
// to make the library go wrong.
// The counter-clockwise button is no longer recognized.
#include <SimpleEncoder.h>
* This example should run on any Uno compatible board.
* Connect pin 10 to the button pin on your encoder.
* Connect pin 11 to pin A on your encoder.
* Connect pin 12 to pin B on your encoder.
* Make sure your encoder ground pin is connected to ground.
const int BTN = 10;
const int encA = 11;
const int encB = 12;
SimpleEncoder encoder(BTN, encA, encB);
void setup() {
void loop() {
if (encoder.CLOCKWISE) {
Serial.println("Encoder moving clockwise");
Serial.println("Encoder moving counter clockwise");
if (encoder.BUTTON_PRESSED) {
Serial.println("Button Pressed");
// delay(5);