// https://wokwi.com/projects/409963075177910273
// Code from https://www.gammon.com.au/serial
// Other simulations https://forum.arduino.cc/t/wokwi-simulations-for-arduino-built-in-examples/1304754

// See also Serial Example 1: https://wokwi.com/projects/409963075177910273 
// See also Serial Example 2: https://wokwi.com/projects/409963275966630913 

Example of processing incoming serial data without blocking.

Author:   Nick Gammon
Date:     13 November 2011. 
Modified: 31 August 2013.

Released for public use.

// how much serial data we expect before a newline
const unsigned int MAX_INPUT = 50;

void setup ()
  Serial.begin (115200);
  } // end of setup

// here to process incoming serial data after a terminator received
void process_data (const char * data)
  // for now just display it
  // (but you could compare it to some value, convert to an integer, etc.)
  Serial.println (data);
  }  // end of process_data
void processIncomingByte (const byte inByte)
  static char input_line [MAX_INPUT];
  static unsigned int input_pos = 0;

  switch (inByte)

    case '\n':   // end of text
      input_line [input_pos] = 0;  // terminating null byte
      // terminator reached! process input_line here ...
      process_data (input_line);
      // reset buffer for next time
      input_pos = 0;  

    case '\r':   // discard carriage return

      // keep adding if not full ... allow for terminating null byte
      if (input_pos < (MAX_INPUT - 1))
        input_line [input_pos++] = inByte;

    }  // end of switch
  } // end of processIncomingByte  

void loop()
  // if serial data available, process it
  while (Serial.available () > 0)
    processIncomingByte (Serial.read ());
  // do other stuff here like testing digital input (button presses) ...

  }  // end of loop