Original FastLED on the left. PR1726 on the right.
#include <FastLED.h>
#include "fill_rainbow_circular-pr1726.h"
// `false`: typical idiomatic FastLED code
// `true` : a path less well trodden
#define USE_RAW_CONVERSION false
#define REVERSED false
#define NUM_LEDS 402
CHSV* leds_hsv = (CHSV*) leds;
void setup() {
FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, 3, GRB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
void loop() {
const int iterations = 1;
static uint8_t hue = 0;
uint32_t orig_us1 = micros();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
fill_rainbow_circular(&leds_hsv[0], 4, hue, REVERSED);
fill_rainbow_circular(&leds_hsv[4], 12, hue, REVERSED);
fill_rainbow_circular(&leds_hsv[16], 21, hue, REVERSED);
fill_rainbow_circular(&leds_hsv[37], 29, hue, REVERSED);
fill_rainbow_circular(&leds_hsv[66], 37, hue, REVERSED);
fill_rainbow_circular(&leds_hsv[103], 45, hue, REVERSED);
fill_rainbow_circular(&leds_hsv[148], 53, hue, REVERSED);
uint32_t orig_us2 = micros();
uint32_t fix_us1 = micros();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
fill_rainbow_circular2(&leds_hsv[201], 4, hue, REVERSED);
fill_rainbow_circular2(&leds_hsv[201 + 4], 12, hue, REVERSED);
fill_rainbow_circular2(&leds_hsv[201 + 16], 21, hue, REVERSED);
fill_rainbow_circular2(&leds_hsv[201 + 37], 29, hue, REVERSED);
fill_rainbow_circular2(&leds_hsv[201 + 66], 37, hue, REVERSED);
fill_rainbow_circular2(&leds_hsv[201 + 103], 45, hue, REVERSED);
fill_rainbow_circular2(&leds_hsv[201 + 148], 53, hue, REVERSED);
uint32_t fix_us2 = micros();
// convert framebuffer from CHSV to CRGB
// using FastLED's usual hsv2rgb_rainbow() method
for (auto i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++)
leds[i] = leds_hsv[i];
} else {
// using hsv2rgb_raw()
for (auto i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++)
hsv2rgb_raw(leds_hsv[i], leds[i]);
Serial.print(float(orig_us2 - orig_us1) / iterations);
Serial.print("μs vs ");
Serial.print(float(fix_us2 - fix_us1) / iterations);
Serial.print("μs % change: ");
Serial.println(float(fix_us2 - fix_us1) / float(orig_us2 - orig_us1) * 100.f - 100.f);