// Pin definitions
const int inputPin = 2;        // Input signal pin
const int relayPin = 3;        // Relay pin for solenoid control
const int resetButtonPin = 4;  // Reset button pin

// Time thresholds in milliseconds
const unsigned long timeX = 5000;  // Greater than 5 seconds
const unsigned long timeY = 2000;  // Less than 2 seconds

bool relayLogic = LOW;    // Set relay Logic to HIGH/LOW accoring to your relay
bool signalLogic = HIGH;  // Set the logic to detect input signal

// Variables for tracking time
unsigned long inputStartTime = 0;
bool inputReceived = false;
bool solenoidActive = false;

void setup() {
  pinMode(inputPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(relayPin, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(relayPin, !relayLogic);  // Initially turn off relay
  pinMode(resetButtonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);


void loop() {
  // Read the input signal
  int inputSignal = digitalRead(inputPin);

  // Check if input signal is received and solenoid was not active
  if (inputSignal == signalLogic && !inputReceived && solenoidActive == false) { 
    inputStartTime = millis();  // Record the time when input signal is received
    inputReceived = true;

  // If the input signal is released and solenoid was not active
  if (inputSignal == !signalLogic && inputReceived && solenoidActive == false) {
    unsigned long inputDuration = millis() - inputStartTime; // Get the time duration of input signal

    if (inputDuration > timeX) {
      // Trigger solenoid for duration greater than timeX
      digitalWrite(relayPin, relayLogic);
      Serial.println("Triggered solenoid: Input duration greater than timeX");
      solenoidActive = true;
    } else if (inputDuration < timeY) {
      // Trigger solenoid for duration less than timeY
      digitalWrite(relayPin, relayLogic);
      Serial.println("Triggered solenoid: Input duration less than timeY");
      solenoidActive = true;
      Serial.println("Time is in between X and Y don't take action");
    inputReceived = false;  // Reset the flag for input signal

  // Check if the reset button is pressed
  if (digitalRead(resetButtonPin) == LOW && solenoidActive) {
    digitalWrite(relayPin, !relayLogic);  // Turn off solenoid
    Serial.println("Solenoid state reset");
    solenoidActive = false;