#include <esp_now.h>
#include <WiFi.h>
// Structure example to receive data
// Must match the sender structure
typedef struct struct_message {
int id;
int x;
int y;
// Create a struct_message called myData
struct_message myData;
// Create a structure to hold the readings from each board
struct_message board1;
// Create an array with all the structures
struct_message boardsStruct[1] = {board1};
// callback function that will be executed when data is received
void OnDataRecv(const uint8_t * mac_addr, const uint8_t *incomingData, int len) {
char macStr[18];
Serial.print("Packet received from: ");
snprintf(macStr, sizeof(macStr), "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",
mac_addr[0], mac_addr[1], mac_addr[2], mac_addr[3], mac_addr[4], mac_addr[5]);
memcpy(&myData, incomingData, sizeof(myData));
Serial.printf("Board ID %u: %u bytes\n", myData.id, len);
// Update the structures with the new incoming data
boardsStruct[myData.id-1].x = myData.x;
boardsStruct[myData.id-1].y = myData.y;
Serial.printf("x value: %d \n", boardsStruct[myData.id-1].x);
Serial.printf("y value: %d \n", boardsStruct[myData.id-1].y);
void setup() {
//Initialize Serial Monitor
//Set device as a Wi-Fi Station
//Init ESP-NOW
if (esp_now_init() != ESP_OK) {
Serial.println("Error initializing ESP-NOW");
// Once ESPNow is successfully Init, we will register for recv CB to
// get recv packer info
void loop() {
// Acess the variables for each board
/*int board1X = boardsStruct[0].x;
int board1Y = boardsStruct[0].y;
int board2X = boardsStruct[1].x;
int board2Y = boardsStruct[1].y;
int board3X = boardsStruct[2].x;
int board3Y = boardsStruct[2].y;*/