//  D-I-Y Polishing Station
//  Copyright (c) 2017 Rey Medina
//  This project will not be possible without the prior work of the following persons:
//  Angelo Fiorillo - Kitchen Timer code
//  Matthias Hertel - OneButton library and code
//  Nick Gammon - Rotary Encoder code

#include "OneButton.h"
// #include <Time.h>
#include <TimeLib.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#include <Stepper.h>

// Setup a new OneButton on pin A2.
OneButton EncButton;

// Button actions
#define btnClear 0
#define btnClicked 1
#define btnDblClicked 2
#define btnHeldStart 3
#define btnHeld 4
#define btnReleased 5

int btnLastAction = btnClear;

// Rotary encoder variables
volatile boolean blnRotated;

#define PinEncCLK 5
#define PinEncDATA 2
#define INTERRUPT 0  // that is, pin 2

int EncState;

#define RotateCW 1
#define RotateCCW 2
int iLastDir;

// Configure LCD
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2);  // Set the LCD I2C address

// Define icons
byte speaker[8] = {

byte soundOn[8] = {

byte soundOff[8] = {

const int icon_speaker = 1;
const int icon_soundOn = 2;
const int icon_soundOff = 3;
const int icon_hourglass = 4;
const int icon_timer = 5;

bool blnSoundEnabled = true;

// Timer variables
int setupHours = 0;    // How many hours will count down when started
int setupMinutes = 0;  // How many minutes will count down when started
int setupSeconds = 0;  // How many seconds will count down when started
time_t setupTime = 0;

int currentHours = 0;
int currentMinutes = 0;
int currentSeconds = 0;
time_t currentTime = 0;

time_t startTime = 0;
time_t elapsedTime = 0;

// Modes
const int MODE_IDLE = 0;
const int MODE_SETUP = 1;
const int MODE_RUNNING = 2;
const int MODE_RINGING = 3;

int currentMode = MODE_IDLE;

int dataSelection = 0;

// Buzzer pin config
#define buzzerPin 10

// humidifier pin config
#define relayPin 12
bool HumidifierRunning = false;

// LED colors
#define PixelPin 13
const int intMaxLEDColors = 7;
int intCurrLED = 1;
int intWipeWait = 0;
Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(12, PixelPin, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

// initialize the stepper library on pins 8 through 11:
//const int stepsPerRevolution = 200;  // Nema 14

const int stepsPerRevolution = 1000;
Stepper myStepper(stepsPerRevolution, 6, 7, 8, 9);

int intPolishProgress = 0;
#define TICKVAL 7

//   setup
void setup() {
  // link the Encoder Button functions.
  EncButton.setup(A2, INPUT_PULLUP, true);

  // setup rotation interrupt
  digitalWrite(PinEncCLK, HIGH);  // enable pull-ups
  digitalWrite(PinEncDATA, HIGH);
  attachInterrupt(INTERRUPT, EncRotateISR, CHANGE);

  // configure buzzer pin
  pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);

  // Initialize LCD for 16 chars, 2 lines

  // create custom icons
  lcd.createChar(1, speaker);
  lcd.createChar(2, soundOn);
  lcd.createChar(3, soundOff);

  // set up humidifier pin
  pinMode(relayPin, OUTPUT);

  btnLastAction = btnClear;

  // Neo Pixel setup
  strip.show();  // Initialize all pixels to 'off'

  // set stepper speed


}  // setup

//   loop
void loop() {

  // keep watching the push buttons:

  // if (blnRotated) {

  //   switch (currentMode) {

  //     case MODE_IDLE:
  //       // toggle beep on/off
  //       blnSoundEnabled = (!blnSoundEnabled);
  //       break;

  //     case MODE_SETUP:
  //       if (iLastDir == RotateCCW) {
  //         switch (dataSelection) {
  //           case 0:  // hours
  //             setupHours--;
  //             if (setupHours == -1) {
  //               setupHours = 1;  // Max. hours. Original code set to 12 but 2hrs should be more than enough to polish
  //             }
  //             break;
  //           case 1:  // minutes
  //             setupMinutes--;
  //             if (setupMinutes == -1) {
  //               setupMinutes = 59;
  //             }
  //             break;
  //           case 2:  // seconds
  //             setupSeconds--;
  //             if (setupSeconds == -1) {
  //               setupSeconds = 59;
  //             }
  //             break;
  //         }
  //       }
  //       if (iLastDir == RotateCW) {
  //         switch (dataSelection) {
  //           case 0:  // hours
  //             setupHours++;
  //             //              if(setupHours == 13)
  //             if (setupHours == 2) {
  //               setupHours = 0;
  //             }
  //             break;
  //           case 1:  // minutes
  //             setupMinutes++;
  //             if (setupMinutes == 60) {
  //               setupMinutes = 0;
  //             }
  //             break;
  //           case 2:  // seconds
  //             setupSeconds++;
  //             if (setupSeconds == 60) {
  //               setupSeconds = 0;
  //             }
  //             break;
  //         }
  //       }
  //       break;

  //     case MODE_RUNNING:

  //       // Cycle through LED colors
  //       if (iLastDir == RotateCW) {
  //         intCurrLED++;
  //         if (intCurrLED > intMaxLEDColors) intCurrLED = 0;
  //       }

  //       if (iLastDir == RotateCCW) {
  //         intCurrLED--;
  //         if (intCurrLED < 0) intCurrLED = intMaxLEDColors;
  //       }

  //       TurnLedON();

  //       Serial.println(intCurrLED);
  //       break;

  //     case MODE_RINGING:

  //       currentMode = MODE_IDLE;
  //       break;
  //   }

  //   iLastDir = 0;
  //   blnRotated = false;

  // }  // end if blnRotated

  // // Button management
  // if (btnLastAction > 0) {

  //   switch (currentMode) {

  //     case MODE_IDLE:

  //       if (btnLastAction == btnReleased) {
  //         currentMode = MODE_SETUP;
  //       }

  //       if (btnLastAction == btnClicked) {
  //         if (setupHours + setupMinutes + setupSeconds > 0) {
  //           currentMode = currentMode == MODE_IDLE ? MODE_RUNNING : MODE_IDLE;
  //           if (currentMode == MODE_RUNNING) {
  //             // STARTING TIMER!
  //             startTime = now();

  //             TurnLedON();
  //           }
  //         } else {

  //           //            lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  //           //            lcd.print(formatLCDstring("Timer not set"));
  //           //            delay(1500);
  //         }
  //       }
  //       break;

  //     case MODE_SETUP:
  //       if (btnLastAction == btnClicked) {
  //         // Select next data to adjust
  //         dataSelection++;
  //         if (dataSelection == 3) {
  //           dataSelection = 0;
  //         }
  //       }

  //       if (btnLastAction == btnReleased) {
  //         // Exit setup mode
  //         setupTime = setupSeconds + (60 * setupMinutes) + (3600 * setupHours);
  //         currentHours = setupHours;
  //         currentMinutes = setupMinutes;
  //         currentSeconds = setupSeconds;
  //         dataSelection = 0;
  //         currentMode = MODE_IDLE;
  //       }
  //       break;

  //     case MODE_RUNNING:
  //       if (btnLastAction == btnClicked) {
  //         Reset();
  //         TurnLedOFF();
  //         currentMode = MODE_IDLE;
  //       }

  //       break;

  //     case MODE_RINGING:

  //       if (btnLastAction == btnClicked) {
  //         currentMode = MODE_IDLE;
  //       }
  //       break;
  //   }

  //   btnLastAction = btnClear;

  // }  // end if btnLastAction

  // /*
  //  * Mode management
  //  */
  // switch (currentMode) {
  //   case MODE_IDLE:

  //     digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH);
  //     HumidifierRunning = false;
  //     intPolishProgress = 0;

  //     break;
  // }

  // /*
  //  * Time management
  //  */
  // switch (currentMode) {
  //   case MODE_IDLE:

  //     // turn off LEDs

  //     noTone(buzzerPin);
  //     myStepper.step(0);

  //   case MODE_SETUP:
  //     // NOP
  //     break;

  //   case MODE_RUNNING:
  //     currentTime = setupTime - (now() - startTime);

  //     myStepper.step(20);

  //     // Check if humidifier is currently running. If not, turn it on
  //     if (!HumidifierRunning) {
  //       digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);
  //       HumidifierRunning = true;
  //     }

  //     if (currentTime <= 0) {
  //       currentMode = MODE_RINGING;
  //       TurnLedOFF();
  //     }
  //     break;

  //   case MODE_RINGING:

  //     if (HumidifierRunning) {
  //       digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH);
  //       HumidifierRunning = false;
  //     }

  //     if (blnSoundEnabled) {

  //       for (int intRepeat = 0; intRepeat < 1; intRepeat++) {
  //         tone(buzzerPin, 2100);
  //         delay(80);
  //         noTone(buzzerPin);
  //         delay(80);
  //       }
  //       delay(2000);
  //     }
  //     break;
  // }

  // /*
  //  * LCD management
  //  */
  // //lcd.clear();
  // lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  // switch (currentMode) {
  //   case MODE_IDLE:
  //     //lcd.backlight();
  //     lcd.print(formatLCDstring("READY"));
  //     lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  //     lcd.print(formatTimeDigits(currentHours));
  //     lcd.print(":");
  //     lcd.print(formatTimeDigits(currentMinutes));
  //     lcd.print(":");
  //     lcd.print(formatTimeDigits(currentSeconds));
  //     lcd.print("    ");

  //     DisplaySoundConfig();
  //     break;

  //   case MODE_SETUP:
  //     lcd.print("Set timer: ");
  //     switch (dataSelection) {
  //       case 0:
  //         lcd.print("HRS ");
  //         break;
  //       case 1:
  //         lcd.print("MINS");
  //         break;
  //       case 2:
  //         lcd.print("SECS");
  //         break;
  //     }
  //     lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  //     lcd.print(formatTimeDigits(setupHours));
  //     lcd.print(":");
  //     lcd.print(formatTimeDigits(setupMinutes));
  //     lcd.print(":");
  //     lcd.print(formatTimeDigits(setupSeconds));
  //     lcd.print("    ");
  //     break;

  //   case MODE_RUNNING:

  //     DisplayPolishProgress();

  //     lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  //     if (hour(currentTime) < 10) lcd.print("0");
  //     lcd.print(hour(currentTime));
  //     lcd.print(":");
  //     if (minute(currentTime) < 10) lcd.print("0");
  //     lcd.print(minute(currentTime));
  //     lcd.print(":");
  //     if (second(currentTime) < 10) lcd.print("0");
  //     lcd.print(second(currentTime));
  //     break;

  //   case MODE_RINGING:
  //     lcd.print(formatLCDstring("DONE POLISHING"));
  //     lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  //     lcd.print("        ");
  //     break;
  // }

}  // loop

//   Encoder rotation callback functions

void EncRotateISR() {
  EncState = 0;
  EncState = EncState + digitalRead(PinEncCLK);
  if (EncState == 0) return;
  EncState <<= 1;
  EncState = EncState + digitalRead(PinEncDATA);

  if (digitalRead(PinEncDATA) == digitalRead(PinEncCLK)) iLastDir = RotateCW;
  else iLastDir = RotateCCW;
  blnRotated = true;

}  // EncRotateISR

//   Encoder Button callback functions

// This function will be called when the EncButton was pressed 1 time (and no 2. button press followed).
void click1() {
   Serial.println("Encoder Button click.");
  btnLastAction = btnClicked;
}  // click1

// This function will be called when the EncButton was pressed 2 times in a short timeframe.
void doubleclick1() {
   Serial.println("Encoder Button doubleclick.");
  btnLastAction = btnDblClicked;
}  // doubleclick1

// This function will be called once, when the EncButton is pressed for a long time.
void longPressStart1() {
   Serial.println("Encoder Button longPress start");
  btnLastAction = btnHeldStart;
}  // longPressStart1

// This function will be called often, while the EncButton is pressed for a long time.
void longPress1() {
   Serial.println("Encoder Button longPress...");
  btnLastAction = btnHeld;
}  // longPress1

// This function will be called once, when the EncButton is released after beeing pressed for a long time.
void longPressStop1() {
   Serial.println("Encoder Button longPress stop");
  btnLastAction = btnReleased;
}  // longPressStop1

//   Other routines

char* formatTimeDigits(int num) {
  static char strOut[3];

  if (num >= 0 && num < 100) {
    sprintf(strOut, "%02d", num);
  } else {
    strcpy(strOut, "XX");

  return strOut;

char* formatLCDstring(char* strIn) {
  static char strOut[16];
  sprintf(strOut, "%-16s", strIn);
  return strOut;

void DisplaySoundConfig() {
  lcd.setCursor(14, 1);

  lcd.setCursor(15, 1);
  if (blnSoundEnabled) {
  } else {
}  // DisplaySoundConfig()

void Reset() {
  currentMode = MODE_IDLE;
  currentHours = setupHours;
  currentMinutes = setupMinutes;
  currentSeconds = setupSeconds;

//   Neo Pixel code

// Fill the dots one after the other with a color
void colorWipe(uint32_t c, uint8_t wait) {
  for (uint16_t i = 0; i < strip.numPixels(); i++) {
    strip.setPixelColor(i, c);

void TurnLedON() {
  switch (intCurrLED) {
    case 0:
      // turn off

    case 1:
      colorWipe(strip.Color(100, 100, 100), intWipeWait);  // White

    case 2:
      colorWipe(strip.Color(150, 0, 0), intWipeWait);  // Red

    case 3:
      colorWipe(strip.Color(0, 150, 0), intWipeWait);  // Green

    case 4:
      colorWipe(strip.Color(0, 0, 150), intWipeWait);  // Blue

    case 5:
      colorWipe(strip.Color(150, 50, 0), intWipeWait);  // Yellow

    case 6:
      colorWipe(strip.Color(150, 0, 100), intWipeWait);  // Purple

    case 7:
      colorWipe(strip.Color(0, 150, 150), intWipeWait);  // Cyan

void TurnLedOFF() {
  colorWipe(strip.Color(0, 0, 0), 0);

void DisplayPolishProgress() {
  //      Serial.println(intPolishProgress);
  if (intPolishProgress > TICKVAL * 4) intPolishProgress = 0;

  if (intPolishProgress <= TICKVAL) lcd.print("Polishing       ");
  if (intPolishProgress > TICKVAL && intPolishProgress <= TICKVAL * 2) lcd.print("Polishing.      ");
  if (intPolishProgress > TICKVAL * 2 && intPolishProgress <= TICKVAL * 3) lcd.print("Polishing..     ");
  if (intPolishProgress > TICKVAL * 3 && intPolishProgress <= TICKVAL * 4) lcd.print("Polishing...    ");
  if (intPolishProgress > TICKVAL * 4 && intPolishProgress <= TICKVAL * 5) lcd.print("Polishing....   ");
  if (intPolishProgress > TICKVAL * 5 && intPolishProgress <= TICKVAL * 6) lcd.print("Polishing.....  ");
  if (intPolishProgress > TICKVAL * 6 && intPolishProgress <= TICKVAL * 7) lcd.print("Polishing...... ");
  if (intPolishProgress > TICKVAL * 7) lcd.print("Polishing.......");