#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>
// Pin definitions
const int phaseBPin = 9;
const int phaseYPin = 8;
const int phaseRPin = 7;
const int relayBPin = 10;
const int relayYPin = 11;
const int relayRPin = 12;
// OLED display width and height
#define SCREEN_WIDTH 128
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 64
// Create an instance for the OLED display
Adafruit_SSD1306 display(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, &Wire, -1);
void setup() {
// Initialize the phase pins as inputs
pinMode(phaseBPin, INPUT);
pinMode(phaseYPin, INPUT);
pinMode(phaseRPin, INPUT);
// Initialize the relay pins as outputs
pinMode(relayBPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(relayYPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(relayRPin, OUTPUT);
// Ensure all relays are initially LOW (OFF)
digitalWrite(relayBPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(relayYPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(relayRPin, LOW);
// Initialize the OLED display
if (!display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C)) {
// If the OLED display cannot initialize, do nothing
for (;;);
void loop() {
// Read the phase pin states
bool phaseB = digitalRead(phaseBPin);
bool phaseY = digitalRead(phaseYPin);
bool phaseR = digitalRead(phaseRPin);
// Priority-based relay control: Phase R > Phase Y > Phase B
if (phaseR == HIGH) {
// If phase R is available, make only relay R HIGH
digitalWrite(relayRPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(relayBPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(relayYPin, LOW);
} else if (phaseY == HIGH) {
// If phase R is not available, and phase Y is available, make only relay Y HIGH
digitalWrite(relayYPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(relayBPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(relayRPin, LOW);
} else if (phaseB == HIGH) {
// If both R and Y are unavailable, and phase B is available, make only relay B HIGH
digitalWrite(relayBPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(relayYPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(relayRPin, LOW);
} else {
// If all phases are LOW, make all relays LOW
digitalWrite(relayBPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(relayYPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(relayRPin, LOW);
// Display phase input and relay output status on the OLED
// Display the input statuses (B, Y, R)
display.setCursor(0, 0);
display.print("Auto Phase Changer...");
display.setCursor(0, 20);
display.print("In B:");
display.print(phaseB == HIGH ? "H" : "L");
display.print(" Y:");
display.print(phaseY == HIGH ? "H" : "L");
display.print(" R:");
display.print(phaseR == HIGH ? "H" : "L");
// Display the relay output statuses (B, Y, R)
display.setCursor(0, 40);
display.print("Out B:");
display.print(digitalRead(relayBPin) == HIGH ? "H" : "L");
display.print(" Y:");
display.print(digitalRead(relayYPin) == HIGH ? "H" : "L");
display.print(" R:");
display.print(digitalRead(relayRPin) == HIGH ? "H" : "L");
// Show the display
// Short delay to debounce input