# Import Pin from the machine module and sleep from the utime module
from machine import Pin
from utime import sleep_ms
# Set up the button and LED pins
bouton_pin = Pin(2, mode=Pin.IN, pull=Pin.PULL_UP)
led_pin = Pin(15, mode=Pin.OUT)
# Initialize variables
compteur = 0
etat_led = False
etatBoutonSauvegarde = 1
while True:
# Read the button state
etatBouton = bouton_pin.value()
# Check for a press (high to low transition)
if etatBoutonSauvegarde == 1 and etatBouton == 0:
sleep_ms(20) # Debounce delay
compteur += 1 # Increment counter only on press
print("Compteur =", compteur)
# Toggle LED state
etat_led = not etat_led
if etat_led:
# Update saved button state
etatBoutonSauvegarde = etatBouton