/* RAM used (bytes) to show() 1 LED vs FastLED version
(1) #include (2) CRGB,addLeds<> (3) CHSV, show()
(0) No FastLED 61
FastLED 3.3.3 74 (+13) 142 (+68) 162 (+20)
FastLED 3.4.0 74 (+13) 142 (+68) 160 (+18)
FastLED 3.5.0 74 (+13) 142 (+68) 160 (+18)
FastLED 3.6.0 74 (+13) 146 (+72) 164 (+18)
FastLED 3.7.0 74 (+13) 146 (+72) 164 (+18)
FastLED 3.7.1 74 (+13) 146 (+72) 164 (+18)
FastLED 3.7.2 74 (+13) 146 (+72) 164 (+18)
FastLED 3.7.3 74 (+13) 146 (+72) 164 (+18)
FastLED 3.7.4 74 (+13) 154 (+80) 305 (+151)
FastLED 3.7.5 74 (+13) 154 (+80) 305 (+151)
FastLED 3.7.6 74 (+13) 154 (+80) 305 (+151)
FastLED 3.7.7 74 (+13) 160 (+86) 311 (+151)
FastLED 3.7.8 74 (+13) 160 (+86) 311 (+151)
FastLED 3.9.0 78 (+17) 164 (+86) 192 (+28)
FastLED 3.9.1 78 (+17) 164 (+86) 192 (+28)
FastLED 3.9.2 78 (+17) 164 (+86) 192 (+28)
164-61 = 103 bytes for v3.7.3
311-61 = 250 bytes for v3.7.8
192-61 = 131 bytes for v3.9.0
#define TEST 3
#include <TinyDebug.h>
#if (TEST >= 1)
#include <FastLED.h>
#if (TEST >= 2)
CRGB led;
void setup() {
#if (TEST >= 2)
FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, 1>(&led, 1);
void loop() {
#if (TEST >= 3)
led = CHSV(random8(), random8(), random8());
void usedmem() {
extern unsigned int __heap_start;
extern void *__brkval;
uint16_t free_memory; // address used as a surrogate for the stack pointer
if ((uint16_t)__brkval == 0)
free_memory = ((uint16_t)&free_memory) - ((uint16_t)&__heap_start);
free_memory = ((uint16_t)&free_memory) - ((uint16_t)__brkval);
Debug.print(F("Used mem: "));
Debug.println(512 - free_memory);