import time
time.sleep(0.1) # Wait for USB to become ready

print("Hello, Pi Pico!")

from MPU6050 import MPU6050

from machine import Pin
from time import sleep_ms

mpu = MPU6050()

# Save file in path /
while True:
    # Accelerometer Data
    accel = mpu.read_accel_data() # read the accelerometer [ms^-2]
    aX = accel["x"]
    aY = accel["y"]
    aZ = accel["z"]
    print("x: " + str(aX) + " y: " + str(aY) + " z: " + str(aZ))

    # Gyroscope Data
    # gyro = mpu.read_gyro_data()   # read the gyro [deg/s]
    # gX = gyro["x"]
    # gY = gyro["y"]
    # gZ = gyro["z"]
    # print("x:" + str(gX) + " y:" + str(gY) + " z:" + str(gZ))

    # Rough Temperature
    temp = mpu.read_temperature()   # read the device temperature [degC]
    print("Temperature: " + str(temp) + "°C")

    # G-Force
    gforce = mpu.read_accel_abs(g=True) # read the absolute acceleration magnitude
    print("G-Force: " + str(gforce))

    # Time Interval Delay in millisecond (ms)