#include <Servo.h>
Servo myServo; // create a servo object
int potPin = A0; // analog pin connected to the potentiometer
int potValue = 0; // variable to store the potentiometer value
int targetMicroseconds = 0; // target position in microseconds based on potentiometer
int currentMicroseconds = 500; // initial position in microseconds
void setup() {
myServo.attach(9); // attaches the servo on pin 9
myServo.writeMicroseconds(currentMicroseconds); // set initial position
void loop() {
potValue = analogRead(potPin); // read the potentiometer value (0-1023)
// Determine the target microseconds based on potentiometer range
//if (potValue >= 0 && potValue < 50) {
// targetMicroseconds = 500; // 500 chosen arbitrarily
// } else
if (potValue >= 50 && potValue <= 100) {
targetMicroseconds = 685;
} else
if (potValue >= 101 && potValue <= 200) {
targetMicroseconds = 870;
} else if (potValue >= 201 && potValue <= 300) {
targetMicroseconds = 1055;
} else if (potValue >= 301 && potValue <= 400) {
targetMicroseconds = 1240;
} else if (potValue >= 401 && potValue <= 500) {
targetMicroseconds = 1477;
} else if (potValue >= 501 && potValue <= 600) {
targetMicroseconds = 1662;
} else if (potValue >= 601 && potValue <= 700) {
targetMicroseconds = 1847;
} else if (potValue >= 701 && potValue <= 800) {
targetMicroseconds = 2032;
} else if (potValue >= 801 && potValue <= 900) {
targetMicroseconds = 2217;
} else if (potValue >= 901 && potValue <= 1000) {
targetMicroseconds = 2439;
// Gently rotate towards target microseconds at quarter speed
if (currentMicroseconds < targetMicroseconds) {
delay(1); // delay to slow down rotation speed
else if (currentMicroseconds > targetMicroseconds) {
delay(1); // delay to slow down rotation speed