// Example Fading LED with analogWrite and millis()
// See baldengineer.com/fading-led-analogwrite-millis-example.html for more information
// Created by James Lewis
const byte pwmLED = 5;
// define directions for LED fade
#define UP 0
#define DOWN 1
// constants for min and max PWM
const int minPWM = 0;
const int maxPWM = 255;
// State Variable for Fade Direction
byte fadeDirection = UP;
// Global Fade Value
// but be bigger than byte and signed, for rollover
int fadeValue = 0;
// How smooth to fade?
byte fadeIncrement = 5;
// millis() timing Variable, just for fading
unsigned long previousFadeMillis;
// Number of microseconds between states
int fadeInterval = 50;
void setup() {
// put pwmLED into known state (off)
analogWrite(pwmLED, fadeValue);
void loop() {
// get the current time, for this time around loop
// all millis() timer checks will use this time stamp
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
//Serial.print("currentMillis: "); Serial.println(millis());
void doTheFade(unsigned long thisMillis) {
// is it time to update yet?
// if not, nothing happens
if (thisMillis - previousFadeMillis >= fadeInterval) { // 50 - 0 >= 50, 100 - 50 >= 50, etc.
Serial.print("thisMillis: "); Serial.println(thisMillis);
Serial.print("previousFadeMillis: "); Serial.println(previousFadeMillis);
// yup, it's time!
if (fadeDirection == UP) { // Initial state, True
fadeValue = fadeValue + fadeIncrement; // 0 = 0 + 5
if (fadeValue >= maxPWM) { // if = 255
Serial.println("if DOWN:");
// At max, limit and change direction
fadeValue = maxPWM; // = 255
fadeDirection = DOWN; // change state to DOWN
else {
// fadeDirection is now DOWN
fadeValue = fadeValue - fadeIncrement;
if (fadeValue <= minPWM) {
// At min, limit and change direction
fadeValue = minPWM; // = 0
fadeDirection = UP; // state change moves code to UP
// Only need to update when it changes
analogWrite(pwmLED, fadeValue);
// reset millis for the next iteration (fade timer only)
previousFadeMillis = thisMillis;