int trigPin = 8; //sets pin 8 to be 'int & trigPin'
int echoPin = 9; //sets pin 8 to be 'int & echoPin'
int remaining = 0; //sets variable for the remaining water
unsigned long usMillis = 0; //us - store for curent usMillis
unsigned long usPrevMillis = 0; //us - store for prior usMillis value
const unsigned long usPeriod = 3000; //us - period between TOF readings
int duration = 0; //us - TOF
int distance = 0; //distance calculated from TOF
//Hall effect flow sensor
int flowPin = 2; //Sets pin 2 to be 'int & flowPin' (which is an intrrupt pin)
double flowRate = 0; //flow - calculated flow value
volatile int count = 0; //flow - counts number of hall effect occurences (needs to be volatile as it is used in the intrrupt)
int flowDelay = 10000; //flow - period of intrupt and count
//non contact level sensor
int levelPin = 3; //Sets pin 3 to be 'int & levelPin'
int fullLevel = 0; //level status 1 = full / 0 = not full sets fullLevel to 0
unsigned long levelMillis = 0; //level - store for curent levelMillis
unsigned long levelPrevMillis = 0; //level - store for prior levelMillis value
const unsigned long levelPeriod = 3000; //level - period between FullLevel readings
int ledhi = 4; //sets pin 4 to be 'int & ledhi' the green LED
int ledmed = 5; //sets pin 5 to be 'int & ledmed' the yellow LDE
int ledlow = 6; //sets pin 6 to be 'int & ledlow' red LDE
//unsigned long LEDMillis = 0; //LED - store for curent LDEMillis
//unsigned long LEDPrevMillis = 0; //LED - store for prior LDEMillis value
//const unsigned long = 3000; //LED - period between LED update
const unsigned long flashPeriod = 1000;//LED - period between the red (ledlow) will flash when flow <= 10 l/h
//added these..
byte stateLeds = 0;
unsigned long lastLed = 0;
unsigned long ledInterval;
unsigned long now = 0;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(ledhi, OUTPUT); //sets ledhi (pin 4) to output
pinMode(ledmed, OUTPUT); //sets ledmed (pin 5) to output
pinMode(ledlow, OUTPUT); //sets ledlow (pin 6) to output
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
now = millis();
void LEDs() {
switch (stateLeds) {
case 0: Serial.println(fullLevel, DEC);
//check LEDs
digitalWrite(ledhi, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledmed, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledlow, HIGH);
lastLed = now;
ledInterval = 10000;
stateLeds++; //advance to next state
case 1: if (now - lastLed >= ledInterval) {
digitalWrite(ledhi, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledmed, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledlow, LOW);
Serial.print("This is the flowRate value used to set the LEDs flashing, or not = ");
case 2: if (flowRate < 10) {
if (now - lastLed >= flashPeriod) {
lastLed = now;
digitalWrite(ledlow, !digitalRead(ledlow));
} else {
digitalWrite(ledlow, LOW);
case 3: //set the RAG level status LEDs
if (fullLevel == 1) {
remaining = 100;
} else { //this else will need amending to read the US sensor reading in
remaining = 0;
Serial.print("This is the value for fullLevel used to set the RAG = ");
Serial.print("This is the value for remaining used to set the RAG = ");
case 4: if (remaining == 100) {
digitalWrite(ledhi, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledmed, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledlow, LOW);
if (remaining < 100) {
digitalWrite(ledhi, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledmed, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledlow, LOW);
if (remaining < 50) {
digitalWrite(ledhi, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledmed, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledlow, HIGH);
stateLeds = 0;
//the flowCal function
unsigned long lastFlow;
unsigned long flowInterval = 10000;
void flowCal() {
if (now - lastFlow >= flowInterval){
int localCount = 0; //local counter
noInterrupts(); //disable interrupts on the arduino
localCount = count;
count = 0;
interrupts(); //enable the inturrupts on arduino
flowRate = (23 * localCount / flowDelay); //l/min (23 the conversion factor on the sensor) I don't know if this is the correct formular for this sensor
flowRate = (flowRate * 60); //l/h
Serial.print("Water flow rate = ");
Serial.println(" l/h");