const byte clockINHB = 9; // to latch the inputs into the registers
const byte clockPin = 13; // I choose the SCK pin
const byte dataPin = 12; // I choose the MISO pin
uint32_t oldOptionSwitch = 0; // previous state of all the inputs
const int pulseWidth = 10; // pulse width in microseconds
void setup ()
Serial.begin( 115200);
Serial.println( "Turn on and off the switches");
Serial.println( "Top row is switch 0 (right) to switch 7 (left)");
Serial.println( "Second row is 8 to 15, and so on");
pinMode( clockPin, OUTPUT); // clock signal, idle LOW
pinMode( clockINHB, OUTPUT); // latch (copy input into registers), idle HIGH
digitalWrite( clockINHB, HIGH);
// Configure SPI in Master mode
SPCR = (1 << SPE) // Enable SPI
| (1 << MSTR) // Set as Master
| (1 << SPR0); // Set clock to f_osc/16
// Clock Polarity (CPOL = 0) and Phase (CPHA = 0) => SPI Mode 0
void loop ()
// Give a pulse to the parallel load latch of all 74HC165
digitalWrite( clockINHB, LOW);
delayMicroseconds( pulseWidth);
digitalWrite( clockINHB, HIGH);
union Byte_32Bit_t {
uint32_t uint32;
uint8_t uint8[4];
} optionSwitch, HC164Val;
HC164Val.uint32 = 0xA5A5A5A5;
for ( int i = 3; i >= 0; i--)
optionSwitch.uint8[i] = ReadOne165(HC164Val.uint8[i]);
for ( int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
if ( bitRead( optionSwitch.uint32, i) != bitRead( oldOptionSwitch, i))
Serial.println( "Read Data:");
if ( i < 10) {
Serial.print( " ");
Serial.print( i);
Serial.print( " is now ");
Serial.println( bitRead( optionSwitch.uint32, i) == 0 ? "down ↓" : "up ↑");
//Serial.println(optionSwitch, BIN);
oldOptionSwitch = optionSwitch.uint32;
delay(250); // slow down the sketch to avoid switch bounce
uint8_t ReadOne165(uint8_t byteToSend)
// Write data to SPI Data Register
SPDR = byteToSend; // Data sent to the HC164
// Wait until transmission is complete
The following NOP introduces a small delay that can prevent the wait
loop form iterating when running at the maximum speed. This gives
about 10% more speed, even if it seems counter-intuitive. At lower
speeds it is unnoticed.
asm volatile("nop");
while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)));
// Return Data received from the HC165
return (SPDR);
ERC Warnings
flop1:CLK: Clock driven by combinatorial logic
flop2:CLK: Clock driven by combinatorial logic
flop3:CLK: Clock driven by combinatorial logic
flop4:CLK: Clock driven by combinatorial logic
flop5:CLK: Clock driven by combinatorial logic
flop6:CLK: Clock driven by combinatorial logic
flop7:CLK: Clock driven by combinatorial logic
flop8:CLK: Clock driven by combinatorial logic