#include <stdio.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"

#define LED_PIN 2  // LED connected to GPIO 2

int main() {
    stdio_init_all();  // Initialize the serial communication (used for the serial monitor)
    gpio_init(LED_PIN);  // Initialize LED pin (GPIO 2)
    gpio_set_dir(LED_PIN, GPIO_OUT);  // Set LED pin as output

    int blink_count = 10;  // Starting with 10 blinks in the first minute
    int minute_count = 0;  // To track the minute changes

    while (true) {
        // Print which minute it is and how many times the LED will blink
        if (minute_count == 0) {
            printf("1st Minute: LED will blink %d times\n", blink_count);
        } else if (minute_count == 1) {
            printf("2nd Minute: LED will blink %d times\n", blink_count);
        } else if (minute_count == 2) {
            printf("3rd Minute: LED will blink %d times\n", blink_count);

        // Blink LED for the defined number of times
        for (int i = 0; i < blink_count; i++) {
            gpio_put(LED_PIN, 1);  // Turn the LED on
            printf("Blink %d\n", i + 1);  // Print the current blink count to serial monitor
            sleep_ms(1000);  // Wait for 1000ms
            gpio_put(LED_PIN, 0);  // Turn the LED off
            sleep_ms(1000);  // Wait for 1000ms

        // After finishing blinks for the current minute, print a message
        printf("Completed %d blinks in this minute\n", blink_count);

        // Update blink count for the next minute
        if (minute_count == 1) {
            blink_count = 20;  // Second minute: blink 20 times
        } else if (minute_count == 2) {
            blink_count = 30;  // Third minute: blink 30 times

        // Wait until the next minute before starting the next cycle of blinks
        sleep_ms(60000);  // Wait for 60 seconds (1 minute)

        // Reset the minute counter after the 3rd minute
        if (minute_count == 3) {
            minute_count = 0;
            blink_count = 10;  // Start again with 10 blinks in the first minute

    return 0;