from machine import Pin, PWM, ADC
from time import sleep

# Pin configuration
motor_pin = PWM(Pin(15))  # PWM output to simulate motor (connected to LED)
motor_pin.freq(1000)      # Set frequency to 1kHz

pot_pin = ADC(Pin(26))    # Potentiometer connected to ADC0 (GP26)
button_pin = Pin(16, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)  # Button with internal pull-up resistor

motor_running = False  # Motor is initially stopped

def toggle_motor(pin):
    """Interrupt callback to toggle motor state."""
    global motor_running
    motor_running = not motor_running
    print("Motor running:", motor_running)

# Attach the button to an interrupt
button_pin.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=toggle_motor)

while True:
    if motor_running:
        # Read potentiometer value (0-65535 range in MicroPython)
        pot_value = pot_pin.read_u16()
        # Map potentiometer value to PWM duty cycle (0-100%)
        motor_pin.duty_u16(int(pot_value))  # Scale directly for 16-bit resolution
        # Print the current motor "speed"
        print(f"Potentiometer: {pot_value} -> Motor running at {int(pot_value / 65535 * 100)}% speed")
        motor_pin.duty_u16(0)  # Stop the motor