import time
import board
import digitalio
import pulseio
import analogio
# Set up pins for ultrasonic sensor
TRIG = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP4)
TRIG.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
ECHO = board.GP5
# Set up LED
LED = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP13)
LED.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
# Set up KY-033 Line Tracking Sensor (Analog)
LIGHT_SENSOR = analogio.AnalogIn(board.GP26)
# Initialize PulseIn for ultrasonic sensor
pulse = pulseio.PulseIn(ECHO, maxlen=1, idle_state=False)
# Function to control LED based on distance and light level
def led_alert(distance, light_level):
# Define thresholds
LIGHT_THRESHOLD = 20000 # Adjust this value based on your environment for "darkness"
if distance <= DISTANCE_THRESHOLD and light_level <= LIGHT_THRESHOLD:
LED.value = True # Turn LED on if both conditions are met
print("LED ON: Object detected and it's dark.")
LED.value = False # Turn LED off otherwise
print("LED OFF: Conditions not met.")
# Function to send pulse and measure response
def send_pulse():
TRIG.value = False
TRIG.value = True
TRIG.value = False
# Measure pulse duration
while len(pulse) == 0:
pulse_width = pulse[0] if len(pulse) > 0 else None
return pulse_width
# Function to read light level from KY-033
def read_light_level():
return LIGHT_SENSOR.value
while True:
# Ultrasonic sensor measurement
pulse_width = send_pulse()
if pulse_width is not None:
distance = pulse_width * 0.034 / 2 # Calculate distance in cm
print("Distance:", distance, "cm")
distance = None
print("No pulse detected")
# Light level measurement
light_level = read_light_level()
print("Light Level:", light_level)
# Control LED based on distance and light conditions
if distance is not None:
led_alert(distance, light_level)