
#include <stdio.h>

#include "quadrature.h"

    This example prints out the count every time it changes.

    If you are getting weird results,
    be aware there is no software debouncing in this implementation.


constexpr int ENCODER1_DATA_PIN = 14;
constexpr int ENCODER1_CLK_PIN = 15;

int main() {

    Quadrature_encoder<ENCODER1_DATA_PIN, ENCODER1_CLK_PIN> encoder1 = Quadrature_encoder<ENCODER1_DATA_PIN, ENCODER1_CLK_PIN>();
    encoder1.begin(pull_direction::up, resolution::quarter);

    for (int countBefore = 0;;)
        long count = encoder1.count();
        if (countBefore != count)
            countBefore = count;
            printf("%d\n", count);