# 4 digit entry code (40% - 49%)
# 4 button input, 4 LED output indication (any colour), Combination Code comparison, Green
# LED (code correct), Red LED (code incorrect), system lock, output message to serial monitor.
import time
import machine as m
# Setup LEDs
green_led = m.Pin(15, m.Pin.OUT) # Initialize Pin 15 as an output for the green LED (indicates correct code).
red_led = m.Pin(14, m.Pin.OUT) # Initialize Pin 14 as an output for the red LED (indicates incorrect code).
# Setup buttons
# Create a list of button objects, each initialized as an input with a pull-up resistor
buttons = [
m.Pin(8, m.Pin.IN, m.Pin.PULL_UP), # GPIO Pin 8 assigned to Button 0 with pull-up active
m.Pin(9, m.Pin.IN, m.Pin.PULL_UP), # GPIO Pin 9 assigned to Button 1 with pull-up active
m.Pin(10, m.Pin.IN, m.Pin.PULL_UP), # GPIO Pin 10 assigned to Button 2 with pull-up active
m.Pin(11, m.Pin.IN, m.Pin.PULL_UP), # GPIO Pin 11 assigned to Button 3 with pull-up active
m.Pin(12, m.Pin.IN, m.Pin.PULL_UP), # GPIO Pin 12 assigned to Button 4 with pull-up active
m.Pin(13, m.Pin.IN, m.Pin.PULL_UP), # GPIO Pin 13 assigned to Button 5 with pull-up active
# Setup other LEDs to indicate button press
# These LEDs will light up corresponding to the button being pressed
other_leds = [
m.Pin(2, m.Pin.OUT), # LED for Button 0
m.Pin(3, m.Pin.OUT), # LED for Button 1
m.Pin(4, m.Pin.OUT), # LED for Button 2
m.Pin(5, m.Pin.OUT), # LED for Button 3
m.Pin(6, m.Pin.OUT), # LED for Button 4
m.Pin(7, m.Pin.OUT), # LED for Button 5
# Correct combination (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4)
correct_code = [0, 1, 2, 3] # This is the correct sequence of button presses
input_code = [] # List to store the user's button presses
attempts = 0 # Track the number of failed attempts
max_attempts = 3 # Maximum number of failed attempts before locking the system
lock_duration = 5
def lock_system(lock_duration):
"""Lock the system for a defined duration."""
print("System locked. Please wait...") # Inform the user that the system is locked
for _ in range(lock_duration): # Loop for the specified lock duration
red_led.toggle() # Blink the red LED to indicate the system is locked
time.sleep(1) # Wait for 1 second between toggles
red_led.off() # Ensure the red LED is turned off after the lock period ends
def reset_leds():
"""Turn off all LEDs."""
for led in other_leds: # Iterate through all LEDs in the `other_leds` list
led.off() # Turn off each LED
green_led.off() # Turn off the green LED
red_led.off() # Turn off the red LED
def indicate_attempt(status):
"""Indicate attempt result with LEDs."""
if status == "success": # If the attempt is successful
green_led.on() # Turn on the green LED to indicate success
time.sleep(1) # Keep the green LED on for 1 second
green_led.off() # Turn off the green LED after the delay
elif status == "failure": # If the attempt fails
red_led.on() # Turn on the red LED to indicate failure
time.sleep(1) # Keep the red LED on for 1 second
red_led.off() # Turn off the red LED after the delay
def check_code():
"""Check if the entered code is correct."""
global attempts, input_code # Declare attempts and input_code as global to modify them
if input_code == correct_code: # If the input code matches the correct code
print("Code correct!") # Output a message to indicate success
green_led.on() # Turn on the green LED to signal success
time.sleep(2) # Wait for 2 seconds
green_led.off() # Turn off the green LED after the delay
input_code.clear() # Clear the input code for the next attempt
attempts = 0 # Reset the number of attempts
else: # If the input code does not match the correct code
print("Code incorrect!") # Output a message to indicate failure
red_led.on() # Turn on the red LED to signal failure
time.sleep(2) # Wait for 2 seconds
red_led.off() # Turn off the red LED after the delay
input_code.clear() # Clear the input code to allow for a new attempt
attempts += 1 # Increment the number of attempts
if attempts >= max_attempts: # If the maximum number of attempts is reached
lock_system(5) # Simulate a system lock for 5 seconds
attempts = 0 # Reset the attempts after lock period
def read_buttons():
"""Read the buttons and build the input code."""
global input_code # Declare input_code as global to modify it
input_code = [] # Reset input code
print("System locked, enter code to unlock:")
while len(input_code) < len(correct_code):
for i, button in enumerate(buttons):
if not button.value(): # Button pressed
input_code.append(i) # Record button index
other_leds[i].on() # Light up corresponding LED
print(f"Button {i} pressed.")
time.sleep(0.3) # Debounce delay
other_leds[i].off() # Turn off LED
return input_code
reset_leds() # Call the reset_leds() function to reset all LEDs
read_buttons() # Continuously check for button presses and build the input code
check_code() # Check if the entered code is correct