#include <MobaTools.h>
// Stepper connections - Please adapt to your own needs.
const byte dirPin = 2;
const byte stepPin = 3;
const byte buttonPin[] = {7} ;
const byte buttonCnt = sizeof(buttonPin); // number of buttons/positions
const int debounceTime = 20; // 20 milliseconds
const int pressingTime = 1000; // 1000 milliseconds
MoToButtons myButton( buttonPin, buttonCnt, debounceTime, pressingTime );
const int stepsPerRev = 200; // Steps per revolution - may need to be adjusted
long upStepPosition = 10000;
long downStepPosition = 0;
MoToStepper stepper1( stepsPerRev, STEPDIR ); // create a stepper instance
boolean IsInPositionUp = true;
void setup() {
stepper1.attach( stepPin, dirPin );
stepper1.setSpeed( 2500 );
stepper1.setRampLen( stepsPerRev / 2); // Ramp length is 1/2 revolution
void loop() {
myButton.processButtons(); // Check buttonstate
if ( myButton.pressed(0) ) { // button numbering starts at zero. 1 button check button number 0
// if pressing down is detected
Serial.println("pressing down detected");
if (IsInPositionUp == true) {
moveToDownPosition(); // excecute lines defined in "void "downPosition()"
else {
moveToUpPosition(); // excecute lines defined in "void "upPosition()"
void moveToUpPosition() {
Serial.println("entering function upPosition");
Serial.print("move motor to position ");
IsInPositionUp = true;
Serial.println("exiting function upPosition");
} // end of definition of function "upPosition()"
void moveToDownPosition() {
Serial.println("entering function downPosition");
Serial.print("move motor to position ");
IsInPositionUp = false; // which means is in position down
Serial.println("exiting function downPosition");
} // end of definition of function "downPosition()"