#include <runningAvg.h>
#include <timeObj.h>
Running average.
This class was developed as a super simple to use data smoother. You decide, when creating
it, how many data points you would like to smooth your data over. Then each time you add a
data point it returns the running average of the last n points that were added. Simple to
use, easy to understand.
-jim lee
runningAvg smoother(10); // Our smoother. You can change the number of datapoints it will act on.
bool sawEnd;
timeObj checkTimer(100);
// Standard setup stuff..
void setup(void) {
Serial.begin(57600); // Fire up the serial stuff.
sawEnd = true;
// Standard loop stuff..
void loop(void) {
int rawValue;
float ave;
if (checkTimer.ding()) {
rawValue = analogRead(A0);
ave = smoother.addData(rawValue); // Pop this number into our smoother. Out pops the average.
if (!smoother.getDelta()) { // It also will give us delta over the data set.
if (!sawEnd) {
Serial.print("Endpoint : ");
sawEnd = true;
} else {
sawEnd = false;