import rp2
from machine import Pin
import time
# Gamepad Pmod hardware simulator (using the RP2040 PIO peripheral)
# Copyright (C) 2025, Tiny Tapeout LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Author: Uri Shaked
# This program uses:
# - an OUT pin (data) that is driven by the OUT instruction
# - two sideset pins: the first will be used for the clock (clk),
# the second for the latch (latch).
# (At 1 MHz SM frequency, the bit‐transmission takes 1 + 24×2 + 2 = 51 cycles.
# With delay count = 1600, the full cycle is about (51+1600)=1651 µs ≈ 600 Hz.)
out_init=(rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW, ), # data pin starts low
sideset_init=(rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW, ) * 2, # default: clk=0, latch=0
def gamepad_tx():
pull() # Block until a word is in FIFO; load OSR.
mov(x, osr) # Save OSR to X (so we have a “cached” value).
set(y, 25)
in_(y, 26) # ISR <- 1600 (0x640)
pull(noblock) # If a new word is waiting, update OSR.
mov(x, osr) # Save OSR to X (so we have a “cached” value).
# --- Bit shifting loop (24 bits) ---
set(y, 23) .side(0b00) # Initialize Y counter; normal state.
out(pins, 1) .side(0b00) # Shift one bit (data on OUT pin) with clock low.
jmp(y_dec, "bit_loop") .side(0b10) # Data valid on clock's rising edge.
# --- Latch pulse ---
set(pins, 0) .side(0b01)
nop() .side(0b00)
# --- Delay loop ---
mov(y, isr) # ISR is 1600, giving us ~1/600 period at 1 MHz.
jmp(y_dec, "delay_loop")
class Gamepad:
def __init__(self, data_pin, latch_pin, clk_pin, sm_id=0, freq=1000000):
Initialize the Gamepad interface.
data_pin : the GPIO number for the data output.
clk_pin : the GPIO number for the clock output (first sideset pin).
latch_pin: the GPIO number for the latch output (second sideset pin).
sm_id : which PIO state machine to use (default 0).
freq : state machine clock frequency (default 1 MHz, giving a ~500 kHz bit clock).
assert clk_pin == latch_pin + 1
# Initialize the pins.
self.data_pin = Pin(data_pin, Pin.OUT)
self.clk_pin = Pin(clk_pin, Pin.OUT)
self.latch_pin = Pin(latch_pin, Pin.OUT)
# 0xffffff means both controllers are disconnected
self._last_value = 0xffffff
# Create the state machine.
# The state machine is configured with:
# - out_base set to the data pin.
# - sideset_base set to the clock pin (latch will be the next pin). = rp2.StateMachine(sm_id, gamepad_tx,
self.running = False
def start(self):
Start the PIO state machine.
if not self.running:
self.running = True
def stop(self):
Disable the PIO machine.
self.running = False
def send(self, value: int):
Set a new 24-bit value to transmit.
self._last_value = value
# Example usage
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Create a Gamepad instance using (for example) GPIO0 for data,
# GPIO1 for clock, and GPIO2 for latch.
gp = Gamepad(latch_pin=17, clk_pin=18, data_pin=19, sm_id=0, freq=1000000)
# Set an initial 24-bit value (here, 0xABCDEF).
print("Sending:", hex(0xabcdef))
# Start the state machine.
i = 0
while True:
print("Sending:", hex(1 << i))
gp.send(1 << i)
i += 1
if i == 24:
i = 0
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Gamepad stopped.")