// ServoEaser0ManualEasing.ino - show how to send manual easing commands
// 2011, TeamPneumo, Tod E. Kurt, http://todbot.com/blog/

#include "Servo.h"
#include "ServoEaser.h"

const int ledPin   = 13;
const int servoPin = 7;

int servoFrameMillis = 20;  // minimum time between servo updates

Servo servo1;
ServoEaser servoEaser;

void setup()

  // first, get the servo ready
  servo1.attach( servoPin );

  //Serial.println("moving to 90 degrees immediately");
  // begin with a framerate, no starting position, we don't know
  servoEaser.begin( servo1, servoFrameMillis );

  // do manual easing
  Serial.println("moving to 20 degrees over 2 seconds");
  servoEaser.easeTo( 20, 2000);

void loop()


  if ( servoEaser.hasArrived() ) {
    Serial.println("ServoEaser arrived at 20 degrees,");
    Serial.println("going to 160 in 2 seconds");
    servoEaser.easeTo( 160, 2000 );


void printCurrPos()
  static long nextPrintTime;

  if ( (long)(millis() - nextPrintTime) >= 0 ) {
    nextPrintTime += 200; // 100 millisecs between print statements
    Serial.print("currPos: ");
    Serial.println( servoEaser.getCurrPos() );