// https://forum.arduino.cc/t/new-version-of-an-old-neopixel-sketch-not-working-for-me/1301943/
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#define PIN3 3 // Neopixel pin
#define PIN5 5 // Neopixel pin
#define PIX 1 // Number of Neopixels
Adafruit_NeoPixel pixel3 = Adafruit_NeoPixel(PIX, PIN3, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
Adafruit_NeoPixel pixel5 = Adafruit_NeoPixel(PIX, PIN5, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
int step = 0, stage = 0, stages = 6; // steps per color, stage of color
int minimum = 0, maximum = 255, increas, decreas;; // counters
unsigned long fadeTimer, fadeTimeout = 3900; // microseconds
Pulse transition states
1 2 3 4 1 <- STATE changes
|----| |----| |
| 50 | 200 | 50 | 750 | total 1050ms per "pulse"
| ---------- -----------------------
byte pulseState = 0; // current state indicator
bool stateVisit[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; // state visit flags
unsigned long pulseTimer = 0; // base timer
unsigned long pulseTimeout[] = {0, // end of state 0
0 + 50, // end of state 1
0 + 50 + 200, // end of state 2
0 + 50 + 200 + 50, // end of state 3
0 + 50 + 200 + 50 + 750 // end of state 4
void setup() {
pixel3.begin(); // initialize a Neopixel object/instance on pin 3
pixel3.clear(); // clear any set pixels in the buffer
pixel3.show(); // display the pixel buffer
pixel5.begin(); // second object for pin 5
void loop() {
// fade timing
if (micros() - fadeTimer > fadeTimeout) { // if "start" to "now" is greater than "interval"...
fadeTimer = micros(); // ... start a new "start time" and...
fade(); // perform the function
// pulse timing
switch (pulseState) {
case 0: // this case/state is visited one time only
setPulseColor(maximum); // set pulse to maximum
pulseState = 1; // update state level
// stateVisit[0] = 1; // not needed, never will return, always comment-out
case 1: // state 1
if ((millis() - pulseTimer > pulseTimeout[1]) && !stateVisit[1]) { // check "now" time with interval
setPulseColor(minimum); // set pulse to (this)
pulseState = 2;
stateVisit[1] = 1; // do not return to this state until clear
case 2: // state 2
if ((millis() - pulseTimer > pulseTimeout[2]) && !stateVisit[2]) {
pulseState = 3;
stateVisit[2] = 1;
case 3: // state 3
if ((millis() - pulseTimer > pulseTimeout[3]) && !stateVisit[3]) {
pulseState = 4;
stateVisit[3] = 1;
case 4: // state 4
if ((millis() - pulseTimer > pulseTimeout[4]) && !stateVisit[4]) {
pulseState = 1; // next pulseState
pulseTimer = millis(); // new start-of-pulse time in Case1/State1
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
stateVisit[i] = 0; // clear state visit flags
void fade() {
if (increas++ == maximum) { // increment step until counter is max
increas = minimum; // reset step counter
if (stage++ == stages) // increment stage until stage is max
stage = 1; // reset stage
decreas = maximum - increas; // invert the up-counter into a down-counter
switch (stage) { // color transitions
case 0: setFadeColor(increas, minimum, minimum); break; // blk to red - one time only
case 1: setFadeColor(maximum, increas, minimum); break; // red to yel
case 2: setFadeColor(decreas, maximum, minimum); break; // yel to grn
case 3: setFadeColor(minimum, maximum, increas); break; // grn to cyn
case 4: setFadeColor(minimum, decreas, maximum); break; // cyn to blu
case 5: setFadeColor(increas, minimum, maximum); break; // blu to mag
case 6: setFadeColor(maximum, minimum, decreas); break; // mag to red
default: break;
void setFadeColor(int red, int grn, int blu) { // color arguments will be max, min or changing
pixel3.setPixelColor(0, pixel3.Color(red, blu, grn));
void setPulseColor(int red) { // "red" will be 0 or 255 (OFF or ON)
pixel5.setPixelColor(0, pixel5.Color(red, minimum, minimum));