// https://forum.arduino.cc/t/flight-sim-throttle-coding/1318665/
// two potentiometers mapped to 0 to 65 with 20 as the "idle" point

int throttle[] = {A0, A1}; // array of throttles
const int arraySize = sizeof(throttle) / sizeof(throttle[0]); // size of array
int throttleReading, throttleDegrees[arraySize], element, oldDegrees[arraySize];

#define DELAY   50     // delay between analog read
#define MININ   0       // analog input minimum value
#define MAXIN   1023    // analog input maximum balue
#define MINOUT  0       // analog input re-mapped to minimum degrees
#define MAXOUT  65      // analog input re-mapped to maximum degrees

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(115200); // serial monitor communications

  for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++)
    pinMode(throttle[i], INPUT); // configure input pins

  Serial.println("Move throttle A0 to IDLE (20 degrees).");
  // wait for throttle to be "20 degrees" 
  while (map(analogRead(throttle[0]), MININ, MAXIN, MINOUT, MAXOUT) != 20);

void loop() {
  if (element > arraySize - 1) { // count through throttle array elements
    element = 0; // reset array counter

  // Read 10 bit ADC input, 0 to 1023. Output 0 to 65 degrees
  throttleReading = analogRead(throttle[element]); // 10 bit ADC = 0 to 1023
  throttleDegrees[element]  = map(throttleReading, MININ, MAXIN, MINOUT, MAXOUT); // output 0 to 65 degrees

  if (oldDegrees[element] != throttleDegrees[element]) { // has degree changed

    for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) { // local variable to print all throttle traces
      Serial.print(" |");
      oldDegrees[i] = throttleDegrees[i]; // store new degree

      Serial.print("| Trottle:"); // start trace
      Serial.print(i); // throttle number
      Serial.print(" |");

      format(throttleDegrees[i]); // degrees output
      Serial.print(" Degrees | ");

      switch (throttleDegrees[i]) {
        case 65: Serial.print("FFWD ^^"); break;
        case 21 ... 64: Serial.print("fwd   ^"); break;
        case 20: Serial.print("IDLE =="); break;
        case  1 ... 19: Serial.print("rev   v"); break;
        case  0: Serial.print("FREV vv"); break;

      // Serial.print(" |"); // end of trace
      if (i == arraySize - 1) // if last throttle...
        Serial.println(" ||"); // ... add new line
      delay(DELAY); // keep output from running off the monitor
  element++; // next throttle array elemnt

void format(int i) { // prefix spaces
  if (i > -10 && i < 0) Serial.print(" ");
  if (i >= 0 && i <= 9) Serial.print("  ");
  if (i > 9) Serial.print(" ");