byte buttonpin[] = {2, 3}; // button pin array
byte ledpin[] = {4, 5}; // led pin array
const byte pins = sizeof(buttonpin) / sizeof(buttonpin[0]);
bool state[pins]; // states
byte i; // index

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(115200); // start serial comm
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { // index
    pinMode(buttonpin[i], INPUT_PULLUP); // configure button pins
    pinMode(ledpin[i], OUTPUT); // configure led pins
  display(0); // show state of pins
  display(1); // show state of pins

void loop() {
  if (!digitalRead(buttonpin[i])) { // read button pin
    delay(150); // cheap button debounce
    state[i] = !state[i]; // change state of button pressed
    display(i); // show current states
  i = !i; // change index

void display(byte i) { // format and display states
  Serial.print("button ");
  Serial.print(i); // button pin
  Serial.print(" LED");
  Serial.print(i); // led pin
  Serial.print(" state ");
  digitalWrite(ledpin[i], state[i]); // set led state
  Serial.println(state[i]); // show led state